Saturday, 20 May 2017



SAVE impresscontrols.woff FILE IN SAME FOLDER
FOR DOWNLOAD impresscontrols.wof FILE

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<title>non-jQuery Carousel - Amazing 100% CSS3 carousel</title>
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src: url("impresscontrols.eot#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"),
/* DOWLOAD AND SAVE impresscontrols.woff FILE IN SAME FOLDER*/
url("impresscontrols.woff") format("woff"),
url("impresscontrols.ttf") format("truetype"),
url("impresscontrols.svg#impress") format("svg");
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.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext,
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets,
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
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position: absolute;
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box-sizing: content-box;
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left: 0;
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right: 0;
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.csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label {
opacity: 0;
z-index: -1;
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num3,
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.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num2, 
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.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num3,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num3, 
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_3:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_3:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_3:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num0,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_3:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num0 {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 5;
/* calculate autoplay */
@-webkit-keyframes arrow {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@-moz-keyframes arrow {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
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0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@-o-keyframes arrow {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@keyframes arrow {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num3,
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num1 {
-webkit-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-moz-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-ms-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-o-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
animation: arrow 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num0,
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num2 {
-webkit-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-moz-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-ms-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-o-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num1,
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num3 {
-webkit-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-moz-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-ms-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-o-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num0 {
-webkit-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-moz-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-ms-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-o-animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
animation: arrow 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
/* stop */
.csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label,
.csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label {
-webkit-animation: none;
-moz-animation: none;
-ms-animation: none;
-o-animation: none;
animation: none;
/* /calculate autoplay */
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 6;
font-size: 0;
line-height: 8pt;
text-align: center;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb {
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
z-index: 1;
line-height: 0;
left: -64px;
top: -48px;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb > img {
max-width: none;
}.csslider1 > .cs_description {
z-index: 3;
.csslider1 > .cs_description > label {
position: absolute;
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: normal;
text-align: left;
max-width: 50%;
left: 0;
.csslider1 > .cs_description > label > span {
vertical-align: top;
.csslider1 > .cs_description > label span {
display: inline-block;
}.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
z-index: 5;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label {
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause,
.csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play {
display: block;
z-index: 5;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play,
.csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause {
display: none;
z-index: -1;
/* calculate autoplay */
@-webkit-keyframes pauseChange {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@-moz-keyframes pauseChange {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@-ms-keyframes pauseChange {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@-o-keyframes pauseChange {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
@keyframes pauseChange {
0%, 24.99% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; }
25%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; }
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num0 {
opacity: 0;
z-index: -1;
-webkit-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-moz-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-ms-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-o-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num1 {
opacity: 0;
z-index: -1;
-webkit-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-moz-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-ms-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-o-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num2 {
opacity: 0;
z-index: -1;
-webkit-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-moz-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-ms-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-o-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num3 {
opacity: 0;
z-index: -1;
-webkit-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-moz-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-ms-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-o-animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
animation: pauseChange 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
/* stop */
.csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause {
-webkit-animation: none;
-moz-animation: none;
-ms-animation: none;
-o-animation: none;
animation: none;
/* /calculate autoplay */
.csslider1.cs_handle {
cursor: -webkit-grab;
cursor: -moz-grab;
.csslider1 .cs_gestures {
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;
font-size: 0;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 1;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: visibility .3s linear, opacity .3s linear;
-o-transition: visibility .3s linear, opacity .3s linear;
transition: visibility .3s linear, opacity .3s linear;
.csslider1 .cs_gestures > div {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 400%;
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ ul > li.num0,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_0:checked ~ ul > li.num0,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_1:checked ~ ul > li.num1,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ ul > li.num1,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ ul > li.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ ul > li.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_3:checked ~ ul > li.num3,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_3:checked ~ ul > li.num3 {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 2;
.csslider1 > ul > li {
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
opacity: 0;
z-index: 1;
-webkit-transition: opacity 2000ms ease;
-moz-transition: opacity 2000ms ease;
-ms-transition: opacity 2000ms ease;
-o-transition: opacity 2000ms ease;
transition: opacity 2000ms ease;
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
-o-transform: rotate(0deg);
transform: rotate(0deg);
/* calculate autoplay */
@-webkit-keyframes fade {
0%, 37.5%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 2; }
12.5%, 25% { opacity: 1; z-index: 2; }
@-moz-keyframes fade {
0%, 37.5%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 2; }
12.5%, 25% { opacity: 1; z-index: 2; }
@-ms-keyframes fade {
0%, 37.5%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 2; }
12.5%, 25% { opacity: 1; z-index: 2; }
@-o-keyframes fade {
0%, 37.5%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 2; }
12.5%, 25% { opacity: 1; z-index: 2; }
@keyframes fade {
0%, 37.5%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 2; }
12.5%, 25% { opacity: 1; z-index: 2; }
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li.num0 {
-webkit-animation: fade 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-moz-animation: fade 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-ms-animation: fade 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
-o-animation: fade 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
animation: fade 16000ms infinite -2000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li.num1 {
-webkit-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-moz-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-ms-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-o-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
animation: fade 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li.num2 {
-webkit-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-moz-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-ms-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
-o-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
animation: fade 16000ms infinite 6000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li.num3 {
-webkit-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-moz-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-ms-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
-o-animation: fade 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
animation: fade 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
.csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ ul > li {
-webkit-transition: none;
-moz-transition: none;
-ms-transition: none;
-o-transition: none;
transition: none;
/* /calculate autoplay */
/* frame/shadow */
.csslider1 {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #D03A79;
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #D03A79;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #D03A79;
margin-top: 15px;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause {
-webkit-transition: .4s all 0s ease;
-moz-transition: .4s all 0s ease;
-ms-transition: .4s all 0s ease;
-o-transition: .4s all 0s ease;
transition: .4s all 0s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev {
-webkit-transition: .4s all .15s ease;
-moz-transition: .4s all .15s ease;
-ms-transition: .4s all .15s ease;
-o-transition: .4s all .15s ease;
transition: .4s all .15s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext {
-webkit-transition: .4s all .3s ease;
-moz-transition: .4s all .3s ease;
-ms-transition: .4s all .3s ease;
-o-transition: .4s all .3s ease;
transition: .4s all .3s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext,
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause {
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: translateY(-30px);
-moz-transform: translateY(-30px);
-ms-transform: translateY(-30px);
-o-transform: translateY(-30px);
transform: translateY(-30px);
.csslider1:hover > .cs_arrowprev,
.csslider1:hover > .cs_arrownext,
.csslider1:hover > .cs_play_pause {
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
-moz-transform: translateY(0);
-ms-transform: translateY(0);
-o-transform: translateY(0);
transform: translateY(0);
}.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label {
margin-top: -30px; 
margin-left: -30px; 
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #fff;
-webkit-border-radius: 50%;
-moz-border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
-webkit-transition: all .5s ease;
-moz-transition: all .5s ease;
-ms-transition: all .5s ease;
-o-transition: all .5s ease;
transition: all .5s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev {
margin-left: 10px;
left: 30px;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext {
margin-right: 10px;
right: 30px;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label:after {
content: '\e801';
margin-left: -4px;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label:after {
content: '\e800';
margin-left: 4px;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label:after,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label:after {
position: absolute;
display: block;
text-align: center;
font: 31px "controls";
line-height: 64px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
color: #fff;
/* IE10+ hack */
_:-ms-input-placeholder, :root .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label:after {
line-height: 70px;
_:-ms-input-placeholder, :root .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label:after {
line-height: 70px;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev:hover > label,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext:hover > label {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,0);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,0);
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label > span,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label > span {
display: block;
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
-webkit-border-radius: 50%;
-moz-border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: -1;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label i,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label i {
display: block;
width: 60px;
height: 0px;
background-color: #D03A79;
-webkit-transition: height .5s ease;
-moz-transition: height .5s ease;
-ms-transition: height .5s ease;
-o-transition: height .5s ease;
transition: height .5s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev:hover > label i,
.csslider1 > .cs_arrownext:hover > label i {
height: 60px;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label {
text-decoration: none;
margin-left: -30px;
margin-top: -30px;
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
-webkit-border-radius: 50%;
-moz-border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #fff;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #fff;
-webkit-transition: all .5s ease;
-moz-transition: all .5s ease;
-ms-transition: all .5s ease;
-o-transition: all .5s ease;
transition: all .5s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > .cs_play:after {
content: '\e802';
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause:after {
content: '\e803';
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label:after{
position: absolute;
display: block;
text-align: center;
font: 28px "controls";
line-height: 64px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
color: #fff;
/* IE10+ hack */
_:-ms-input-placeholder, :root .csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label:after {
line-height: 72px;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause:hover > label {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,0);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,0);
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label > span {
display: block;
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
-webkit-border-radius: 50%;
-moz-border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: -1;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label i {
display: block;
width: 60px;
height: 0px;
background-color: #D03A79;
-webkit-transition: height .5s ease;
-moz-transition: height .5s ease;
-ms-transition: height .5s ease;
-o-transition: height .5s ease;
transition: height .5s ease;
.csslider1 > .cs_play_pause:hover > label i {
height: 60px;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets {
bottom: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label {
margin: 0 10px;
padding: 8px;
-webkit-border-radius: 50%;
-moz-border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 2px solid #fff;
background: transparent;
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s;
-moz-transition: all 0.3s;
-ms-transition: all 0.3s;
-o-transition: all 0.3s;
transition: all 0.3s;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label img {
border: 3px solid #D03A79;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb {
overflow: hidden;
height: 0px;
opacity: 1;
margin-top: -13px;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s;
-ms-transition: all 0.5s;
-o-transition: all 0.5s;
transition: all 0.5s;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 0; 
height: 0; 
left: 50%;
top: 52px;
margin-left: -2px;
border-left: 7px solid transparent;
border-right: 7px solid transparent;
border-top: 7px solid #D03A79;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label:hover > .cs_thumb {
height: 59px;
visibility: visible;
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label:hover,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num0,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_0:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num0,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num1,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num1,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num2,
.csslider1 > #cs_slide1_3:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num3,
.csslider1 > #cs_pause1_3:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num3 {
border: 2px solid rgba(255,255,255,0);
background: #D03A79;
/* calculate autoplay */
@-webkit-keyframes bullet {
0%, 24.99% { border: 2px solid rgba(255,255,255,0); background: #D03A79; }
25%, 100% { border: 2px solid #fff; background: transparent; }
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-webkit-animation: bullet 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-moz-animation: bullet 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-ms-animation: bullet 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
-o-animation: bullet 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
animation: bullet 16000ms infinite 2000ms;
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animation: bullet 16000ms infinite 10000ms;
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transition: none;
/* stop */
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-webkit-animation: none;
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-ms-animation: none;
-o-animation: none;
animation: none;
/* /calculate autoplay */
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-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
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-ms-transform: translateY(0);
-o-transform: translateY(0);
transform: translateY(0);
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opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: translateY(-30px);
-moz-transform: translateY(-30px);
-ms-transform: translateY(-30px);
-o-transform: translateY(-30px);
transform: translateY(-30px);
/* calculate autoplay */
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0%, 18.75%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 0; -webkit-transform: translateY(-30px); }
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0%, 18.75%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 0; -moz-transform: translateY(-30px); }
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0%, 18.75%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 0; -ms-transform: translateY(-30px); }
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0%, 18.75%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: 0; transform: translateY(-30px); }
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-o-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 0ms;
animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 0ms;
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-moz-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 4000ms;
-ms-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 4000ms;
-o-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 4000ms;
animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 4000ms;
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-moz-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 8000ms;
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-o-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 8000ms;
animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 8000ms;
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-moz-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 12000ms;
-ms-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 12000ms;
-o-animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 12000ms;
animation: cs_description 16000ms infinite 12000ms;
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-webkit-transition: none;
-moz-transition: none;
-ms-transition: none;
-o-transition: none;
transition: none;
/* stop */
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.csslider1 > .play:checked ~ .cs_description > label > .cs_descr
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_description > label > .cs_title,
.csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_description > label > .cs_descr {
-webkit-animation: none;
-moz-animation: none;
-ms-animation: none;
-o-animation: none;
animation: none;
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only screen and (max-width: 480px),
only screen and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 2)      and (max-width: 480px),
only screen and (   max--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2)      and (max-width: 480px),
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only screen and (        max-device-pixel-ratio: 2)      and (max-width: 480px),
only screen and (                max-resolution: 192dpi) and (max-width: 480px),
only screen and (                max-resolution: 2dppx)  and (max-width: 480px) { 
.csslider1 > .cs_description,
.csslider1 > .cs_bullets {
display: none;

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<div style="width: 100%; visibility: hidden; font-size: 0px; line-height: 0;">
<img src="" style="width: 100%;">
<li class="num0 img">
<img src="" alt="CSS3 all images appearing slideshow example test questions" title="Hyundai i20">
<li class="num1 img">
<img src="" alt="jQuery vertical em  embedphoto behind" title="CitroΓ«n DS3 WRC">
<li class="num2 img">
<img src="" alt="HTML5 full screen iphone  thumbnail with images" title="Volkswagen Polo R WRC">
<li class="num3 img">
<img src="" alt="HTML continuous with controls  download photo" title="Ε koda Fabia Super 2000">
<a class="cs_lnk" href="">HTML5 image carousel</a>
<div class="cs_description">
<label class="num0">
<span class="cs_title"><span class="cs_wrapper">Hyundai i20</span></span>
<br><span class="cs_descr"><span class="cs_wrapper">World rally championship</span></span>
<label class="num1">
<span class="cs_title"><span class="cs_wrapper">CitroΓ«n DS3 WRC</span></span>
<br><span class="cs_descr"><span class="cs_wrapper">SΓ©bastien Loeb</span></span>
<label class="num2">
<span class="cs_title"><span class="cs_wrapper">Volkswagen Polo R WRC</span></span>
<br><span class="cs_descr"><span class="cs_wrapper">SΓ©bastien Ogier</span></span>
<label class="num3">
<span class="cs_title"><span class="cs_wrapper">Ε koda Fabia Super 2000</span></span>
<br><span class="cs_descr"><span class="cs_wrapper">Jan KopeckΓ½</span></span>
<div class="cs_play_pause">
<label class="cs_play" for="cs_play1"><span><i></i></span></label>
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<label class="num1" for="cs_slide1_1"><span><i></i></span></label>
<label class="num2" for="cs_slide1_2"><span><i></i></span></label>
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<div class="cs_bullets">
<label class="num0" for="cs_slide1_0">
<span class="cs_point"></span>
<span class="cs_thumb">
<img src="" alt="HTML template fullscreen  download responsive" title="Hyundai i20"></span>
<label class="num1" for="cs_slide1_1">
<span class="cs_point"></span>
<span class="cs_thumb">
<img src="" alt="Bootstrap buttons zoom control slider mobile ie disable" title="CitroΓ«n DS3 WRC"></span>
<label class="num2" for="cs_slide1_2">
<span class="cs_point"></span>
<span class="cs_thumb">
<img src="" alt="Responsive banner with video slider vertical with gallery" title="Volkswagen Polo R WRC"></span>
<label class="num3" for="cs_slide1_3">
<span class="cs_point"></span>
<span class="cs_thumb">
<img src="" alt="jQuery image div text slider text example download" title="Ε koda Fabia Super 2000"></span>
<div class="cs_gestures"><div><img src="" alt="HTML continuous with controls  download photo" title="Ε koda Fabia Super 2000" class="cs_first_img">
<img src="" alt="CSS3 all images appearing slideshow example test questions" title="Hyundai i20">
<img src="" alt="jQuery vertical em  embedphoto behind" title="CitroΓ«n DS3 WRC">
<img src="" alt="HTML5 full screen iphone  thumbnail with images" title="Volkswagen Polo R WRC">
<img src="" alt="HTML continuous with controls  download photo" title="Ε koda Fabia Super 2000">
<img src="" alt="CSS3 all images appearing slideshow example test questions" title="Hyundai i20" class="cs_last_img">
<div class="clear"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
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<script src=""></script>
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<div class="item">
<div class="item">
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<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<a class="button secondary play">Play</a> 
<a class="button secondary stop">Stop</a> 
$(document).ready(function() {
var owl = $('.owl-carousel');
items: 4,
loop: true,
margin: 10,
autoplay: true,
autoplayTimeout: 1000,
autoplayHoverPause: true
$('.play').on('click', function() {
owl.trigger('play.owl.autoplay', [1000])
$('.stop').on('click', function() {


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